BEMUSE MANSION is a women's wear brand newly launched in F/W 2017 by a duo designer.
BE, which comes from the initials of two designer names, ponders the brand's MUSE.
While renewing the brand in 2017, we are trying to create better results by contemplating and thinking deeply.
Be (subject) + muse (verb)
We put the desire to win hearts with newly introduced content and to immerse you in deep thoughts with that emotion.
Bemuse (verb)
to bewildered, to be puzzled; contemplate
… steal the heart of [by, with].
We do our best to make all these emotions and experiences happen in the great MANSION called BEMUSE.
We pay attention to the contemporary urban lifestyle that we experience and live.
BEMUSE MANSION's unique sensibility presents a look that does not lose its femininity while being modern.
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